X-men: The Animated Series reXamined

Enter Magneto

Season 1 Episode 3

Does what it says on the tin, dunnit? Magneto enters the chat.

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00:00:00:00 - 00:00:42:15
Hello, everybody and welcome along to examine the animated series reexamined. I'm Dan Bowen. Hello, everyone. I'm Harvey Keane. Today we're up to episode three of the X-Men Animated Series. We've been watching them through. We've watched all three episodes so far, so we're going well, it's a grueling schedule. I know we're off to a flying start. So Night at the Sentinel is kind of like lays things out there and episode three into Magneto, we get the main antagonist from the X-Men.

00:00:42:15 - 00:01:03:07
It's an action packed episode. We get everything in here. Can you recap the episode for us Jav? Yeah. So as you remember, Beast is in He is being held prisoner as a detainee. We've come across Magneto trying to bust him out of his jail. Which beast refuses? He wants to see his day in court. He thinks it's more important that the humans see. You know, humans can see that mutants are a part of humanity, if you will. We go to the trial Beast defends himself, and then Sabertooth goes crazy. In the middle of the trial, the X-Men of Save Him. Take him back to the mansion. We find out about Wolverine and Sabertooth rivalry, and then we end up with Magneto fighting the X-Men on a missile base and this all happens in the space of about 20 to 24 minutes.

00:01:27:24 - 00:02:21:15
It is action-packed. A lot happens and I something that I realized about this episode versus the the opening two episodes the night of the Sentinels Part one and two is it's a really interesting choice to hold off two episodes. The promise of those opening titles. Yeah, right. The opening titles kind of sit up. This is a show about mutants fighting mutants, and it avoids that kind of entirely for the first two episodes is actually the struggle of some mutant acceptance, which yeah, I found I found kind of interesting.

00:02:21:15 - 00:02:37:14
And to go, Oh, this, this is the first. Now we're going to get to watch kind of people with powers fight other people with powers. Yeah, that's right. Let there be credits the intro shows that Oh, look here are the good mutants here. All the bad mutants. I know how this normally works. And these series, What are we going to see The rest of the bad guys?

00:02:37:15 - 00:02:55:24
Because we've only seen Magneto and Sabretooth so far in the bad mutant camp. But we get both of those in this episode, and you're kind of going, Whew, where are the rest of them? We're interesting. A little bit of trivia, you know, the bit in the intro where the good the X-Men are at the end of the intro, they're running towards each other, the good ones and the bad ones.

00:02:56:01 - 00:03:22:11
In the bad camp there is there's a American-Indian looking mutant who is actually Thunderbird, who in the comics is actually a good mutant, but he dies very quickly and they were actually going to use him to take morphed place. They wanted an X-Men to die very quickly so they could show everyone, Oh, anyone can die any time. But they, they the execs, we know we're not going to have an American Indian character that gets immediately killed off.

00:03:22:11 - 00:03:41:16
We're not ready for that backlash. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That seems a little seems a little on the nose. Right? Yes. At the top. Yes. And also in the bad camp of the the music is running towards the X-Men and the animation there is you'll notice that there's a little Green Men looks a very Martian like it doesn't exist.

00:03:41:16 - 00:04:02:21
No one knows he is. And he's not a character from the comics. He is just a little bit of animation padding that the animation studio from the choreo just chucked in there. And when they said, Who the hell is this? That sounds like a huge problem. Yeah, yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's code name rendered. Yeah. You know. Oh yeah.

00:04:02:21 - 00:04:26:17
What's his powers. He shows up that he shows up in intros at parties and meetings. He's there to pad out numbers. He pays out numbers. It's his power. I heard it was someone we need for what we need for people. This game is for players or more. There's only three of us. Green, dude. Okay, dude, thank God you're here.

00:04:26:19 - 00:04:52:05
That kind of thing I think would never happen today. Now that Marvel is such a machine and has such a tight leash on it to IP, but it must be such a, you know, when this came out, it was it was different times for the Marvel verse and to just send your script off and your, you know, your concept drawings, you know, your keyframes, whatever.

00:04:52:05 - 00:05:09:09
Yeah, never come back. And it's like there's an extra guy and I just don't think that would I could measure the animation studio being like, we gave you more for free. What kind of. That's a great deal. What do you mad about that? The funny thing about Marvel at this point is Marvel was literally bankrupt at this point.

00:05:09:09 - 00:05:33:23
It's really weird because this is 92 and 91. Marvel released the new run of X-Men comics, and it still stands to this day is the most it holds the record for the most bought comic book in the world. Most of you sold of one comic book, so we were writing super, super high in the comics, but the studio itself slash the people trying to make the show had very little budget on it.

00:05:34:00 - 00:05:48:11
They couldn't get a lot of money for or they didn't have a lot of money to throw at it. It's why some of the animation looks, you know, some some frames are missing, some bits are missing. And grand red of greed do. They're just popping up in the middle of intros. It's all just like one episode, one scene in one episode.

00:05:48:11 - 00:06:16:24
They're like, you realize that people are going to see this every time they watch the show. Basically, when he's in jail. Is raiding Animal Farm. Yes. You know, and because he's so literate, I guess it's a good way. And then fire at the the jail guys have just got some incredible good old boys. Mutant racism goes, oh, like, you know, where do you get these guys?

00:06:16:24 - 00:06:37:08
Just pick him out of the pickup truck. Hey, beauty, you should try to read their movie. It had the same sort of forced racism as like Jimmy with the Swiss team and Cool Runnings, the Swiss bobsled team. And like, you know, it's the Jamaican bobsled team come to the Winter Olympics for bobsled. And it was like, well, there's got to be an antagonist.

00:06:37:08 - 00:07:01:00
And it turned out to be the Swiss in this one. And for somebody who just comes out like, Hey, Jamaica, what are you doing in the snow? Jamaica, I really So yeah, I had that same sort of vibe. I love to go, Oh, what is what is the choice of Animal Farm commenting on in the in the in the wider kind of narrative.

00:07:01:00 - 00:07:21:15
Yes. And I was I was a bit like I was like, oh, what actually what is it commenting on? I was thinking about it and I was like, Oh, it should be To Kill a mockingbird, right? And which where were you in the could meeting? Dan? Are we going with that? Good. Yeah, guys, we're going with Animal Farm.

00:07:21:15 - 00:07:44:24
Like, what does it say about, like, trials and the justice system and its treatment of minorities? Wasn't it To Kill a mockingbird? But I didn't think this kid would know all about that at all. Farmers. Not the rise of capitalism over communism. Yeah. For this this show about you know, this show. 15 year old. Yeah. The showrunners might have thought like that.

00:07:45:04 - 00:08:09:19
The kids would be like, Oh, he's reading Animal Farm and they think he's an animal. This is so deep into Dan Bain 30 years later to destroy this choice. Guys, what are you thinking? What do you think? I mean, did anyone think about this? Orwell must be spinning in his grave would be like, Oh, well, this this has nothing for the proletariat.

00:08:09:21 - 00:08:32:09
And you know what? For what we talk about, the literary touching of the episode is kind of laden with them later on based on his trial quotes. Well, paraphrases Shakespeare with his his defense. You know, if you prick us, do we not bleed? Doesn't a mutant not hunger and all that? And also when he gets found guilty that he's going to stay in prison, he says, well, I guess I'll be able to catch up on my Dostoyevsky.

00:08:32:11 - 00:08:52:20
Yes, I know, I know. Which is be that right, Crime and Punishment. You tell me then you tell me. I wish. I wish that piece had had like a secondary since it's a that was you dead. Any time the Beast is going to say something like they said, you can, like, slap the odd toad who came up with this line to be like, You idiot, What do you think?

00:08:52:22 - 00:09:20:13
Yeah, I just. Because, you know, when I. When I watch a Saturday morning cartoon, I really want to I want to have to go and do some extra reading afterwards so I can get the jokes. Yeah. This is like all a bit to go check the citations. That's right. Especially as a ten year old like Penny, you're not even your lucky charms.

00:09:20:13 - 00:09:45:08
What are you thinking about? There he is being held prisoner and he said, I want my day in court. The U.S. control agency is a private organization. He's being held by their private security. He's not under arrest for anything unless I got, you know, no point. We see the police get involved, you know, yet he's in court under some something.

00:09:45:10 - 00:10:22:03
Anyway, I look at this kind of scenario of beast goes to beasts into court and he's a real great role model for kind of mutant tolerance, right? Oh, absolutely. He's like he's so kind of visually striking and different, but is so clearly articulate, intelligent, measured in control. And I said I was thinking the best of humanity, if you will.

00:10:22:05 - 00:10:59:04
He Yeah, yeah, yeah. And just like what it would have been like if it was almost any of the others sort of game, because you just sit there and try to flirt with the judge. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that depends, Your Honor. Well, six years Go fish. Thought about the other X-Men. So Beast is on trial, and like, you know, they're all really good faces based and only Cyclops and Wolverine turn up to his trial.

00:10:59:06 - 00:11:31:08
How would you feel differently? Like we're a family, right, guys? Hey. Yeah. Hey, Scott. Scott Summers, Wolverine. Logan, it's me. Basically. Well, we're the rest of the guys that they packing the gym, the covenant, I mean. Right. Had a thing. Rogue Gambit, Storm Jubilee. Professor X, Come on. Nobody. Are you shitting me? It looks like I have time to catch up on my Dostoyevsky.

00:11:31:10 - 00:12:04:07
Yeah, any time. It seems pretty much that Wolverine is not in his Wolverine spandex. He's got this. He's got this kind of furry collared little jacket. Like a wool wool collar. Yeah, The Canadian. I live in a cabin starter kit. Lots. So it's, it's got its feel so. Seventies. Yeah. Yeah. Hugh Jackman does wear one like that in the X-Men in the movie which is quite nice.

00:12:04:07 - 00:12:37:18
A nice callback that is this. Yeah. It is also just got so much hair around the side of his face and the number you just like so much hair everywhere that he would do. You want to keep going and go with the mustache and beard. You know, I want, I want the antidote. Yeah. Oh well, you can't, he can't like, you can't risk getting food stuck in his beard to interfere with his sense of smell, which I believe gets demonstrated in this one as well.

00:12:37:20 - 00:13:04:14
With the next one. Just it was more there was more Wolverine sniffing things of just finishing off with the courtroom scene. I like how the courtroom thing ends with Saber tooth just suddenly in the courtroom. It's not like you see him into the courtroom or he's been he burst through the wall like you think he would. He just suddenly is there causing havoc, throwing shit around and screaming.

00:13:04:16 - 00:13:25:17
And it's like no one no one noticed him. Yeah, he's surprisingly, he can be very stealth. He was napping on the floor all curled up. Yeah, Yeah. It's been in there the whole time. And that's the reason he's mad that someone stole it. Well, speaking of Sabertooth, the guy's massive and down the middle, it is just so much muscle.

00:13:25:17 - 00:13:51:16
Like, it's like music. The ability is to have, like, twice the number of abs as anyone else on the planet is huge. He's ripped. Yeah. So they take him back to the expedition, and this is we find out about. I found this really interesting and a really good line for Wolverine because at this point we found out about Magneto and everything, and Professor X talks about his history with him and gives him the whole backstory and everything.

00:13:51:18 - 00:14:22:03
And then he says, We'll really let Sabertooth go because Wolverine want to kill Sabertooth. Wolverine. They go to fight Magneto. He says, How can we got to go trash your old enemy, but go easy on mine? And I was like, Oh yeah, you get Wolverine. More of that, please, Rather than just talk to the cars into convertibles. And because it just comes after Xavier kind of, I guess, giving like a mission statement for his organization.

00:14:22:05 - 00:14:48:21
Now, you know, we must help a mutant if he's in trouble. Yes, It's your lab. It's my old friend. If we must kill him. Yes, it is a real. It's a real pivot. It really is. For someone who has, in so many circumstances so far, kind of been just been angry or stupid or driven by emotion. I think Wolverine makes a real strong, logical argument here.

00:14:48:24 - 00:15:08:01
Very much so. What's what's what's the deal like? You're lucky, Professor X, that other students didn't hear Wolverine say that and go to him. He lost a damn Good point. Oh, Oh, he's you know, he's really is. He's onto something then. We've kind of we meet Magneto at the start of the episode when he kind of busts into the jail.

00:15:08:01 - 00:15:29:08
I do love how he pursued the beast things. When you first hear that he is a rumble of the break and he goes, Oh, Wolverine so impulsive. And then he sees Magneto realize it's not him, and then he doesn't know who he is. He sees something, he's not been introduced, and then he, like, rips off all the metal in the room and he goes, Magneto, I presume, like, so you have heard of him.

00:15:29:10 - 00:15:58:18
You think maybe the guy manipulating all this metal might be Magneto? Well, maybe that's true. He's very intelligent, based, so obviously Magneto is a he's a master of manipulating metal, and his power is a kind of magnetism based, it appears. And this that the powers of magnetism allow you to kind of do anything. Yeah, they do. They really do.

00:15:58:20 - 00:16:18:02
I mean, for the, for his point of view, they were like, okay, the X-Men have got a lot of powers. We need a guy that can kind of negate most of their powers. So magnetism could suddenly do anything. And I think the most jarring for me is like the concussive bolts again, like shooting stuff in like concrete and suddenly have it, you know, fall down.

00:16:18:03 - 00:16:43:16
There's a bit of a bit of kind of magic, like the power of magnet that isn't quite explained. I remember the Ian McKellen one. Yeah. Where he yeah, he can, he can fly but you can see he's floating around on a little metal disk. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and so you kind of like, Oh yeah. Okay, I get it.

00:16:43:17 - 00:17:09:06
He's, he's standing on a piece of meat or he can control me. Is that right? That kind of raids. But yeah, like in this he can like he can fly it can, he can just fly by force. Feel magnetism. Yeah. He gives you a forcefield very much that, that. Oh, I mean, the sentinels can fly and they've got to have got a retractable rope hand and they can fire a gas bomb.

00:17:09:06 - 00:17:35:07
Yeah. UN they can fire a laser as well. Yeah. That guy who's coming up with the villain's toolkit is really trying to keep his job. Yeah, Yeah, he's pitching everything. Oh. Oh, that bad? What if they've all the powers keep talking. That'd be a challenge. Yeah. Yeah. Because the team only have one power each, and then they'd have to team up to defeat this person with just one.

00:17:35:09 - 00:17:54:12
So he's right. He speaks the truth. Does it? What do you know about magnetism? No, you hired me. I mean, I bet you there's some. There's some, like, Uber fan right now listening to this is going actually, he can fly by manipulating the magnetic fields that are found around us. He doesn't need all this advice to float on.

00:17:54:16 - 00:18:19:11
And the Shield is creating a buzz by manipulating the blah, blah, blah in the air. The island, you know, you visit the islands and the atmosphere above shore. We're just saying like, come on shore. Sure. Just you know what? We'll we'll give you some liberty, but don't take the piss. Also, I don't want to have to you know, I don't want to do mess to you.

00:18:19:13 - 00:18:47:15
It's got no problem with literary. Oh. Oh, yeah. But, man, yeah. We'll go and look up and see what Animal Farm the connections and relevance. But I don't want to have to invent science terms to make sense of the power. I want to say like, Oh, he pulled the rebar out of the concrete right there. You could see, like, well, well, you wouldn't want to have to do is like to have to make the justifications for yourself.

00:18:47:16 - 00:19:12:01
The worst one is you watching it with someone who even a situation where you're watching something that's about sci fi or a kind of in that kind of nerd culture is are you watching it with someone who isn't? And, you know, you're kind of showing them you're this is the thing that and it all makes sense because of this these simple rules and like, yeah, yeah.

00:19:12:03 - 00:19:43:02
And then they go, wait, what? What is this? And you're like, Oh, I'll just shut up and enjoy the kung fu. Just now I have to explain like the because these are a bad decision has been made somewhere. Yeah. In the creative process. And then it's been retconned by creating all this law underneath it to make. But the bottom line is now you look like you're, you know, arguably the keystone is being ripped out of your arch.

00:19:43:04 - 00:20:09:12
Yeah, the truth is I just like it because it's cool. Yeah, it's. Yes. So what we're saying is, okay, just no more magnetism. Palace or Magneto will let these go, but he better not suddenly be like you fall in love with the power of magnetism. Yet it's. It raises your memory with magnetism. Well, science reads. Behold. It's like your MRI machine.

00:20:09:14 - 00:20:30:04
Yeah. And so talk about, you know, we we end up with them on a missile base, and that's me watching this episode, just kind of recapping in my mind. We've got from a prison break out to a trial to back stories of vendetta vendettas for Magneto say, of the tension of of Wolverine going, I'm not staying here. If, say, if Sabertooth isn't here, he's a danger.

00:20:30:04 - 00:20:55:17
So I've got a potential saboteur on the base as well. And suddenly we're at a missile silo base with nuclear warheads. Yeah. This one home. I got some moves real fast. Yeah. So the X-Men have to deal with on a daily basis. Mm. The pact a lot into this. I don't think this episode is actually is I don't think it's quite as successful as the first is the Sentinels one in pecking.

00:20:55:17 - 00:21:18:10
It's like pecking got jam pecking itself with stuff. It feels hurried or it feels like there are some, but what are you talking about? That's just connective tissue, really. We're going to create a missile silo. It's full, It keeps moving. It's great. But I think with the with the two part pilot, they set themselves such a a really high bar.

00:21:18:12 - 00:21:40:05
They're almost always going to be playing catch up to that. I feel that they read so quickly and got to the missile silo and a bit like a train that's running so quickly it suddenly goes, Oh God, we've got two tracks. We're just moving now. We're just going, Mm hmm. Yeah, I I'm really hoping to that this will become a ongoing theme.

00:21:40:05 - 00:22:06:16
I guess this kind of speaks to the time that what came out, but the x-men's agenda on physical destruction of computers to destroy the information inside of them continues in this one. Yeah. The way to stop a missile launch is to poke three knives into a computer. Well, they've got no magnetism, Dad. They have to try. What? They've got to do something.

00:22:06:19 - 00:22:30:00
The X-Men is a real situation of if. If you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Yeah. Yeah, I did love when the missiles start firing at Wolverine. Says with total conviction. You know, not if I can help it and let the Wolverine take a course like ballistic physics. So he's going to go with you. I used to work at a base or something.

00:22:30:02 - 00:22:56:16
Know? I know the codes. What's it called? What's it called? It just starts like smashing up the computers. Yeah. Once he got it he's. He's got knives in his hands. Yeah. And I was like, that's what he's got. Yeah. Shame on you have for thinking something. I did enjoy that. So storm flies off after them, the missiles launch and they've been sent to they've been sent to kind of go straight up on him.

00:22:56:16 - 00:23:22:17
Straight back down. Yeah. Classic classic missile strike against. I did feel for that that Commander go Oh we lost control of the missiles. Oh no. They're firing. Oh. Can't get worse. Oh no. Where they're told it. Oh no. Yeah. He's, he's got a shitty day to explain to the wife when he gets on my cordless.

00:23:22:19 - 00:24:02:15
Uh, you won't believe what happened to the false launch. What? It gets worse. Oh, honey, no. You know, we were the target. And no, on promotion day. So far, there hasn't been a huge amount of stage time, particularly to produce physics. But we'd see him do us. He does like a bit of a special move. This point where he kind of he kind of matrixes the information on how to deactivate the missiles.

00:24:02:15 - 00:24:31:06
I love your choice of on the BBC. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like it's very much a storm is like, Oh, I know how to disarm a missile. Yeah. Let's go with with lightning. Hey, lightning is a cousin of magnetism and a magneto sits on the other side. Storm can clearly kind of control the amplitude of her lightning.

00:24:31:06 - 00:25:01:05
Well, that's what we're going with, right? Right. We're like, clearly, it can be like a massive kind of a bomb, the power of lightning. But it can also be a bit just like dirt and people like, oh, yeah, hey, so she's not constantly electrocuting people to death. If we actually demonstrate them using this ability in a combat kind of situation, it's going to be horrific.

00:25:01:08 - 00:25:29:18
Yeah. Yeah. Well, these soldiers that are just doing their jobs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just on these, these unpowered kind of just kind of guys. They're just going to be eviscerated. There's something about that. I remember when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, the Michael Bay One came out and I actually did the hurdles and that one was so overpowered, actually started feeling sorry for the people that were beating up at the guards that were shooting at them.

00:25:29:18 - 00:25:52:23
And at one point in the movie, one of them takes a bullet to the shell and he turns around, he goes to Mike, allegedly goes a bulletproof vest. You just take it away all the jeopardy. And he was completely ineffectual. That's it. Because I think that's what you say with with if storm with full lightning, it's like with the warheads she's shooting.

00:25:52:23 - 00:26:15:01
Okay. I understand. How do the warheads not suddenly like smoldering live all electronics. Yes, it's yeah, one of the guys that sold all these missiles to the to the to the military. Okay. These missiles don't don't fly them on a windy day. And don't let 80, though. You got to keep away from shocks, all right? Because it'll just throw this all to hell.

00:26:15:01 - 00:26:50:14
No lightning storms, clear skies. Only now goes obviously when you when you start global Armageddon. Okay. It's it's got to be a nice day two reasons one bed with is going to they can't like just secondly irony it's got nice day yeah these things are programed to only fly with birds chirping and just just to have just so that moment happens where the birds stop chirping and everyone goes what.

00:26:50:16 - 00:27:14:05
And looks up at it looks up at the sky. Yeah. We made these with a vision in mind. If a big theatrics a missile manufactures again, where with the rest of the X-Men like this is Professor X's biggest foe and he's like, Go, got to get him. Now he's at a missile, he's at a nuclear missile silo. The consequences are very high.

00:27:14:07 - 00:27:34:13
What better things do you have to be doing? Gambit Rogue. I'm looking at you. Oh, gee, great. She's not anywhere here. Jean Gray's role so far has been to cry. You'll get a codename. You can just go through a mission without turning on the waterworks. Okay. But yes, a storm does. And she kind of. And then she kind of saints in the air.

00:27:34:18 - 00:27:58:18
Yeah. And Wolverine, like one Zander and kind of catches her as his as she falls out and then has a wonderful quote which is it must be our company She's asleep and it and then he's like and then he's like, mission accomplished, buddy to Cyclops, which I thought was really it was really nice. We kind of It's nice, isn't it?

00:27:58:18 - 00:28:33:05
They can work together. We get along. Mm hmm. What was your favorite bit about this episode? I think my favorite bit of can be a shock, a line, a theme and idea. Oh, one of my favorite things. And it's just such a it's such a shorthand for a certain situation. And I was just like, Oh, wow. Extraordinary is in the courtroom saying the end of it just before.

00:28:33:07 - 00:29:03:11
I think it's just before Sabertooth kind of comes in and trashes it. They all start bowing based insult. One throws tomatoes and yes, he is. And just like I like it's so weird because it's been played so straight. He you know, he's like, I'll, I will launch my own defense. And then he quotes Shakespeare at them. And the judge is like, Well, I don't know, Mr. Beast.

00:29:03:11 - 00:29:34:06
And, you know, Mr. McCoy and, and it's all very, very kind of a legal courtroom procedural, kind of grown up growing up. And then the crowd starts going, boom, All right, just throwing vegetables at them. Oh, for all of its kind of maturity and kind of sophistication to storytelling, there's still there's still some real Saturday morning cartoon. Yes.

00:29:34:06 - 00:29:54:16
Inside it adding to the Saturday morning cartoon like hijinx genius is for big little bursts, tries to break beast out of jail. He steals the guards belts like he steals is, you know, uses his name because it takes his guard at his equipment and his belt goes. And immediately we know in a cartoon, as soon as your belt goes, your trousers are going to fall down.

00:29:54:18 - 00:30:16:00
And his just and he goes, oh, search you see this is and he does it. Yeah, he does like a Scooby Doo run off. Yes, yes. Like that. The shaving grab whatever you can to cover yourself. Yeah. It's good to go over here. Yeah. It also there's a guy, the tank, they're showing off the how. Look how bad ass Magneto is.

00:30:16:02 - 00:30:37:11
Nothing could take him down even a tank, and he disintegrates his tank. It makes it fall apart. Whether it's just the guy who's driving the tank. Admit it, Really? He does it. Kind of like Roadrunner Coyote. Look down. Oh, there's nothing. Hold me up now. I'll fall down. I think me at Teen wouldn't have kind of noticed that would have just been like, yeah, this is what entertainment.

00:30:37:12 - 00:31:04:18
Well, that's what physics is to a ten year old. And then me, it like 17 through 23 would be like, okay, but to be fair back, you said 1823. That was you had to take everything wrecking it. Why they end. But now I'm just like, yeah, yeah, of course when his belt comes off we see is we see his undies and these like, oh no, like melted butter.

00:31:04:24 - 00:31:28:12
Yeah. Yeah. That's chef's kiss on that, the chefs kiss on that area. Oh, and on that note, I think that's everything we need to say about that episode. Action packed. We jump from courtroom dramas to Shakespeare to Dostoyevsky, Animal Farm, missile silos, and Professor X pulling off an awesome telepathy move, showing us a little bit of that. Oh, he's actually quite good.

00:31:28:12 - 00:31:55:19
He's quite cool. He's got a lot of power that could come in useful. Might come in useful. Yeah. Interesting to see where things go from here. What's next for The Adventures of the X-Men? But of course, for us, their adventures, of course. Just go back to the cupboard. We love it. And the adventures for our listeners are of course, to follow and subscribe to the show on your platform of choice.

00:31:55:19 - 00:32:13:21
That's, you know, where you get the podcasts. You can do that. Tell a friend is probably the best thing you can do if you enjoy the show, tell friend there are links. If you'd like to follow either of Javier or myself, kind of other antics in the world. There are links to all of them. In the notes for the show.

00:32:13:22 - 00:32:34:14
Leave a comment. Tell us what you think and if it's anything we missed out, I'm sure there is. All right. I'll see you next time. Thanks. Jav Thanks, bro. Catch you later. See you.

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