X-men: The Animated Series reXamined
UK-based standup comedian Javier Jarquin is a deep-dive Marvel guy. He has created multiple live shows based on the MCU, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of plots, characters, and trivia.
NZ- based comedian and playwright Dan Bain remembers that this show was cool when he was a kid, and once saw an Iron Man movie on an international flight. Join them both as they rewatch and rediscover one of the greatest animated shows of the 1990s.
X-men: The Animated Series reXamined
Night of the Sentinels - Part 1
Episode One! We started!
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Hello and welcome to episode one of X-Men, the Animated series reexamined a brand new podcast with myself, Dan Bain and my long time friend, Associates and colleague. Javier Jarquin. We both kind of rewatch the X-Men Animated Series and chat about it. Is it still good? Does it hold up? Is it for adults as well as for children? How does it go?
I know very little about the X-men, I saw one or two episodes of this when I was young and my friend half here knows way too much about the X-Men. He's been buried in the lore, characters and trivia of the X-Men for many, many years. So. Oh, look at that. Two diverging perspectives on the same material. That sounds like drama already.
The rest will reveal itself as we go, Jav, we're on episode one of the X-Men Animated series. Give us a give us an overview here on what happens in the episode.
Hello, everyone. X-Men Episode one We weave broad strokes of what happens. I'm sure you've all seen it. We meet Jubilee, who's new to the X-Men. She's going to be the person that we kind of like is going to be the fish out of water that we see and learn about the X-Men.
Through her eyes, she's being tracked down by the Sentinels, which are horrible robots that track mutants. She gets rescued by the X-Men and taken back to the mansion where they then find out that they've got to take on the mutant research facility that holds a lot of information about other mutants and take that down. And we meet a lot of the X-Men, their ideals, their leader, and find out lots.
It's true, Dan knows a little bit about the X-Men I through my years for my friends, know a lot about the X-Men. Pray that you're never at the same dinner party as I am because I will exhaust you on this shit. And apologies and none given as well.
All right, so Jav, a little as you say, a lot of things happen on this episode actually, to have a chat about some of our favorite moments.
Yes. But before we do, we'd be doing a disservice if we did not not talk about the amazing opening theme to the first thing you see in X-Men is the intro. And I think the intro was absolutely iconic. Yeah, For one, the theme, the theme tune, Anyone who saw the show loves the theme tune. It. The funny thing about that, what I thought about when we rewatch this was all that shows around the time theme tunes were known for the lyrics.
00:02:47:09 - 00:03:11:11
You'd sing along to them in everything because it has no lyrics. Mm hmm. Because I saw a little quick interview with the of the composer who did this, a guy called Reid Wiseman, Wesleyan Red Wesleyan. And he was like, Yeah, it's really hard to sing X-Men. Like, yeah, he got the lyrics scanned. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're the X-Men.
00:03:11:11 - 00:03:31:24
Here they come. That kind of like, Yeah, yeah. Which, which really much so was was the vibe. Even things that were kind of fun I think about like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, right. I totally Yeah. Which when I saw I, I must have been about eight when I first saw that and like that actually blew. I was just like, What am I watching?
00:03:31:24 - 00:04:03:19
I don't even. Yeah, that the intro of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is better than any episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The esthetic, the darkness. They look more deadly and you know better. Yes. That intro. Yes. Amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas Ninja Turtles, the show itself is is fun, but it's quite campy. It's got, it's got that totally it's got a bit of there's a lot of Scooby Doo and it's Yeah.
00:04:03:21 - 00:04:32:09
And it's in its DNA Right. It's still. Oh yeah. For Leonardo the guy that has Cotard is he. He can never use them because of censorship. They did later use the two teeth. Leigh. Yeah. Yeah. The, the intro is amazing Felix I mean the fact that they get this little introduction of each character, you know, like they'd have the name above there and it's always special font and stuff easily lends itself to we're a team, but hey, which is your favorite?
00:04:32:11 - 00:04:58:21
It actually doesn't really give you pause to breathe. It's just cool moment after cool moment. And each one of them, each one of those moments is about half a second long. Yeah. And so as a as a kid, like, I remember just being overwhelmed with, like, there's too many cool things happening. It's too close to call. She's firing lightning.
00:04:58:23 - 00:05:22:13
Well, I need to think about that, too. Like there's a guy with claws, four hands. They're running through it. Running in one direction. What are they running? The cops? Who are these guys? Action yet? It's action. Yeah. The one thing about the intro, I will say that kind of like we were all waiting for. There's a bit in the intro where Wolverine kind of like, rubs his claws against each other as he spreads his arms and he kind of creates it's like electricity field for the longest time, I think.
00:05:22:13 - 00:05:54:00
Me and severe freeze. What does that mean? Wolverine has like lightning close to what are you going to use that And he needed to know that was it was a it was a stylization of how to show that they were really sharp. Yes. Yes, it was. So should we should we talk about episode one? Absolutely. Absolutely. So you mentioned that you'd seen this, maybe not on the the its global release day, but it was the first episode that you'd seen.
00:05:54:03 - 00:06:17:14
I hadn't seen this at all. Yeah. Oh, you've never seen the pilot? I never seen the pilot. And I love this. I thought the pilot episode of this was kind of great, but like, just the way that it kind of stuff up built the world really efficiently. Yeah. And while avoiding massive dumps of exposition, I thought it was.
00:06:17:16 - 00:06:41:16
Yeah. So well-made. I really enjoyed it. It's great. Yeah. Even the title alone. You know, the tunnels. Good night of the Sentinels, which kind of has a bit of a kind of horror kind of tone to it, you know, Night of the Living Dead, whatever would quickly establish that. But butit's I hate it in the world. I do love it that it starts off with a news report about sabertooth throwing police cars around, you know, talking about how mutants, they're dangerous.
00:06:41:18 - 00:07:04:24
And it says a suspected mutant attack. And it's got footage of sabertooth. It's like, you know, in this world, there are no other superheroes anywhere. Do you think this guy who's three times bigger than anyone else and throwing police cars? Yes. He might be a mutant. Like he's not even he's not even one of those mutants that just looks like a person but has a power that manifests.
00:07:05:01 - 00:07:40:14
He's like he's huge and, like, clawed and like, imagine if a lion took too many steroids. That's what this guy looks like. And they're like, suspected mutant, like. Yeah, I reckon they might be. What you call. Yeah. I don't I don't want to typecast but I reckon he might be Sabertooth is with straight into action and he's throwing police cars he's surrounded by them and and straight away we're introduced to this kind of the idea of there being a, a mutant control.
00:07:40:16 - 00:08:11:20
Oh well first of all there's a mutant problem, but there is a mutant control program in place. Yes. We also find out on the on the news there and then we pull out and we're in Jubilee's house. The crisis of Jubilee is the is the kind of the for me, the through line to these first two episodes. Well, she's she's a fish out of water you know character that we as as a the viewer you hold on to.
00:08:11:22 - 00:08:38:18
We're going to look at everything through her eyes. Yeah. Something that I'm really interested to see is, is I kind of rewatch this as a grown up is the looking at the work through the violence of kind of queerness. So much of it is like, oh, I've got to hide that I'm a mutant. And oh, absolutely. If people find out that I'm a mutant or that will be open trouble and look.
00:08:38:20 - 00:09:03:03
Yeah, and jubilee kind of raids so much as that kind of closeted teenager, my identity, why am I feeling these feelings? Exactly what's happening to me? Why is this happening to me? It's not my control. I didn't want this or that. Even so, we kind of see her foster parents and they're saying like, Oh, she's definitely a mutant.
00:09:03:03 - 00:09:19:17
And like in a very much like a in a way that it would be like, Oh no, I think our daughter's gay or something like that. And they talk about having reached out to the mutant control agency or the mutant program in a very much the way they're talking about it, it's totally the equivalent of a gay conversion camp.
00:09:19:19 - 00:09:51:21
Mhm. It really is. Oh no. I reached out. They can help her. They're the only people that can help her through this terrible affliction. Yeah. I guess the main enforcement of this is these massive robots. The Sentinels. The Sentinels? Yeah. They seem to just have a right to do anything. Hey, it's like going apprehend this mutant and they're allowed to just fly in and sponge through the wall once outside.
00:09:51:22 - 00:10:09:01
Oh, so you got the mutant information? We could just send a couple of guys around under the guise of helping her to get to the camp. It would be really easy. We have a car waiting, and everything you show, You want to go with the giant robot? Yeah. Listen to. I'd like you to program it to, like, just.
00:10:09:03 - 00:10:31:08
Just punch through the wall of their house and, like, crush her bed. On the off chance. You said there she might be a terrible surprise. Her. Yeah, but not for this. It'll just punch you through the graves if it crushes it in his massive robot fist. And then slowly opens. It goes, Oh, nothing here. What if there was something there she knew they missed.
00:10:31:13 - 00:10:54:10
And this is, I guess, one of the other things that runs through this episode is, is just like, why are they allowed to do this? Is the scale of the mutant problem so huge that it justifies that these robots can do anything. They can just like they just destroy anything. The sentinels at this point are causing more terror than the mutants.
00:10:54:12 - 00:11:21:12
Yeah. Does it still chases her to the mall and everyone in the car park is screaming and running, and the Seattle is smashing through concrete, smashing through cars, smashing through windows. And I ask you, who's the real problem here? Yeah, I know. And so something that I caught it in that when the The Sentinel is just trashes the car park it's there's a kid in the background who goes, Mommy, buy me that and buy me that.
00:11:21:14 - 00:11:40:17
Yeah. Buy me that toy. Yeah, yeah. Just a little throwaway joke that Yeah, if you want it. Yeah. See if you want. And it's like, oh I did want it like that. So a little bit of subliminal, like we make all our money for the show of merch, so. Yeah. Yeah. You could, you could own this so it usually runs it to the shopping mall for sanctuary.
00:11:40:17 - 00:12:11:18
Oh, she's in the arcade. She's. She's in the arcade. Yeah. And this is like I, I never really knew what Jubilee's deal was. I knew that she kind of shot fireworks. Yeah. Obviously, the way that powers kind of manifest slash malfunction or like that, she doesn't have control of them. Is the it keeps fraying electronics. So we sent it to the VHS player.
00:12:11:24 - 00:12:34:03
Yeah. Yeah. There's this right. And it does this to the arcade machine, which comes to probably one of my one of my favorite lines of this episode, which is, Oh, I think you're going to say, Hey, do you know how much that machine costs? Yeah. And she's like, Yeah, a quarter and then runs off oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:12:34:09 - 00:12:55:14
So she's right. Yeah. And then she runs so, and then she, she runs out of the mall and she bangs into Storm and Rogue, you know, for X-Men who have been trained in the danger room, I was kind of surprised they were caught off guard that easily. Yeah. Yeah, well, took it both out. Yeah, I guess it's because they hit so many packages.
00:12:55:16 - 00:13:18:21
Yes. Yeah. They're doing comedic stat chi shopping. Jubilee is picked the day to run away to the mall to be the same day that the X-Men are have all got into the minivan. Yeah it got you guys who want to go to the mall because they've, they've come to. Yeah I need to get some things. Well this is this is the early nineties in America.
00:13:18:22 - 00:13:44:07
Everyone hangs out at the mall. Yeah. Everyone's. I mean what else would they do right? We get a great series of character introductions here. I never forget the introduction of Gambit because it was just in my mind, because also we were ten years old and so we just started to go up. Maybe girls are quite pretty and he's in there buying a pack of cards and the lady is like kind of flirting with him.
00:13:44:07 - 00:14:11:04
He's flooding back and she says, Oh, you like cards? It goes, I like playing solitaire unless I got someone to play with. And then my ten, you're on mine. That's like, that is the smoothest shit anyone's ever said. Yeah, this guy's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, It's just my notes. Just say Gambit turns up and is immediately horny. Hey, like just a general statement.
00:14:11:06 - 00:14:36:04
It's a it's. It's a statement. A precise statement of the character, and it's this guy likes to fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Is. Well, you know, because we're going through with meeting the characters, these initial meetings are going to be kind of emblematic of of who they are, of the journey they go on. And for Gambit, it's like, Oh, he left behind, he left cards and bang and woo with the ladies are such a great line.
00:14:36:05 - 00:14:56:04
I like solitaire. Unless I got someone to play with. Oh yeah. And even even when the the robot head, the signal comes crashing through the store, he just goes, I'll be right back. Like, this isn't over, you know? Oh, yeah. We had a shot at this. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. She's a bit. She's terrified. Now this is going to be a bit harder.
00:14:56:06 - 00:15:26:02
People start screaming and running and Rogue is like, Oh, must be a sale, which is rare. Okay, Just. Well, what if we had now, like, three solid jokes? Three solid jokes? Well, if 5 minutes into the episode, it's great. The jokes are quite good. Yeah. I mean, 92. Yeah. Yeah. Kids show. Mm. By the way, during this podcast, you are going to, you are going to be hearing my, my absolute adoration for Cyclops.
00:15:26:02 - 00:15:47:04
I'm a massive Cyclops fan. I know a lot of people don't like him and I understand why. However, he's one of my favorite characters, and even in the first two episodes you come to realize he's one of the most efficient. MM Yeah. And I do know this about you, and I'm interested to explore because I can kind of see why Cyclops perhaps appeals to a grown up.
00:15:47:06 - 00:16:11:00
I'm interested to know why it appeals to a child. Oh, the costume, first and foremost, like laser eyes advisor. The visor was so cool. The visor is cool. Yeah. It's interesting that because, like, his personality is just his ability, particularly in these episodes, his bit of a wet blanket. So he's got to lead the team and he can't all just be a motion through the, you know, what came too late.
00:16:11:00 - 00:16:31:19
He's too busy trying to fuck, you know. Yeah, that's I don't think he wants still I think he clearly they're too busy shopping. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cyclops is the only leader here. And by the way, so Cyclops shows up. Central takes a terrible shot of him. Mrs. and Cyclops immediately decapitates the Sentinel. Yeah, right. Three X-Men have had a crack at this Sentinel.
00:16:31:22 - 00:16:54:22
They have not taken him down. Cyclops shows up. Bow, bam! Oh, yeah. The nick hit him there. They can't operate without that one shot decapitates him. And another reason why I think they chose to use sentinels in the opening episode. Because you can dismember robots. You can't just leave the people. But robots. Fair game. Yeah. Real issue in a children's cartoon.
00:16:54:24 - 00:17:14:17
Now, somehow Jubilee ends up back at the house. He usually was like gassed by the saints, a bit of bicycles, his arm. They take it back to the mansion to monitor her and she wakes up. And this is very X-Men one, Hugh Jackman waking up in the X-Men one movie. You know, she's running around the school like, what is this?
00:17:14:22 - 00:17:32:16
And kind of this is a quick way to beat a lot of the other X-Men. She runs into like Professor X, she sees Beast and Morph. I found this funny rewatching this morph, who can shapeshift is just sitting there watching TV, having the time of his life shapeshifting to everyone that's on TV. Yeah. Making a little joke and chuckling to himself.
00:17:32:16 - 00:18:04:08
He doesn't know he's being watched. Yeah. This guy has more fun watching TV than anyone I've ever seen. Yeah. Yeah, he's having a great time. Like, I. He's clearly someone who is really come to terms with with himself as a mutant. And it's just like, this is fun. Like, look, yeah, he also has another, another little joke in there where there's a perfume ad on TV that's Aggression by Calvin Klein or something or something very close, and he sends it to the guys who goes Aggression by Calvin Clone.
00:18:04:11 - 00:18:28:17
There's like, Oh, there you go. Now the joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who's was a frustrated comedian and the X-Men writers were Yeah, yeah. By the way more and more if this character morph, people might be going. Whereas more from the comics both was not in the comics. He is actually a re a new character for the show, but he's essentially based on this old Marvel character called Changeling with the same powers.
00:18:28:17 - 00:18:51:14
It looks like in a bit they couldn't call him Changeling in the show or use Changeling because he was a very obscure member from the comics with a crappy costume. And B at the time DC had another character called Changeling as well, and the showrunners did not want to go into legal battle of two characters called Changeling. So they just said, We'll just change it to morph, and they'll get to some kind of like as a throwaway character.
00:18:51:16 - 00:19:23:14
But it ended up becoming incredibly popular. Mm hmm. So that reminds me. I mean, he has the kind of same power from the film world as Mystique. Mystique? Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. But with a lot more sense of humor. Yeah. Yeah. It's like. It's a funny character and, yeah, a really clever kind of device that they've got as they give him that really distinctive laugh.
00:19:23:16 - 00:19:47:01
So that when he's another character, when he's morphed into another person, he still does the laugh. And so you can track or just, yeah, I've just from your excuse you explain. I was like, oh my God, that's exactly why he has that laugh. Because that's the most annoying thing about Morph. We like him. But that yeah, that kind of Muttley, you know, Saturday morning cartoon villain.
00:19:47:04 - 00:20:16:00
Yeah. Annoying. Yeah. It's when he chases the other people. You can. You can tell it's more of. Hmm. Hmm. You're very good at this. Nuh uh huh. Yeah. The things that like. Because, like, you take that for granted as a kid because you don't see the there's no understanding of the crafting underneath it. But like having not seen it as a kid and kind of coming at it as an adult who understands things to a degree, You go, Oh, I see.
00:20:16:02 - 00:20:35:05
Oh great, great. That's good, That's clever. Whereas if you've if you've just come in and you're like, move, screw and laugh, that annoys me. Is the danger room a bit easy to get in to for a room of the danger room, and that can kill people. Maybe you want to have a few more barriers to entry into that room.
00:20:35:07 - 00:20:55:16
Hmm. Well, I'd rather just like able to stumble into it while you're trying to find the toilet or something. Yeah. Yeah. How many guests to the expansion were like, I'm just going to go find the restroom. And then hours later, they find the body and the danger to, Oh, oh, yeah. And the danger of this the first time we get Wolverine.
00:20:55:16 - 00:21:15:01
Now, Wolverine obviously one of the most popular characters in the series. I do like, you know how you talk about the intros. I what? What's what's the word you use? Emblematic. Mm hmm. Of the character. The first thing we see Wolverine do is smasher a wall. Yeah. So very quickly, tell us this is how this guy solves problems.
00:21:15:03 - 00:21:48:09
Yes. And shit. Mm hmm. Something that I'd forgotten about Wolverine, that I kind of hadn't. I never kind of clocked in some of the more recent films and stuff. Is has like is how good he is at sniffing. Yes, Yes, it's very good. He's. He's got a real light. Mm hmm. I can smell things, but. But it's really funny because, strictly speaking, his mutation is his healing factor.
00:21:48:11 - 00:22:06:15
Yeah. And his adamantium claws were from an experiment. Um, yeah, I totally. This reeks, like, no pun intended of, like, later on, the showrunner is going or the character creator is going, what have you was really good at sniffing as well. We've got the healing and we've got the both. But like, there's this Wolverine. What if he could sniff it out as well?
00:22:06:15 - 00:22:32:23
Like really be really feral? Yeah, Be more animalistic. Camilla Yeah. All right. Super sniffing is now in his wheelhouse, too. Yeah. I mean, is that or is it actually not a mutation? Is it? Does he just everybody good? I think it and it reads it reads to us like it's a mutation because we're like, Oh, you're Wolverine. He's a mutant.
00:22:33:00 - 00:22:55:16
But maybe he's just the guy who's like, You smell that? It's just really strange. No. Yeah. If I had a good trait like him, I would never let anyone forget. Just like, by the way, that I had the mutation. I'm just really good for my notes. Okay? Yeah, that's all me. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No excuse for that. Yeah.
00:22:55:16 - 00:23:21:13
Yeah. Let me. I got. I got a healing factor. That's it. That's it. But that's, that's. That's all. That's a Logan. Also a good reminder that Wolverine is a short man. Mm. He's a small. They're not like Hugh Jackman's towering six foot frame. There is something kind of inherent in the Wolverine character that is about, like, I have short man syndrome.
00:23:21:15 - 00:23:43:24
Absolutely. Like, he's so aggressive and kind of gets overwhelmed by, like, just the kind of I'm going the way to solve versus to fight my way through it. And like every little bit of Talk Back, like the first two episodes, I think he says the line I go where I want to go like about three or four times.
00:23:44:01 - 00:24:31:10
Yeah, yeah. They want us to know that Wolverine, you know, he's independent. Operator He might be in the team, but, but yeah, you know, only when it serves his purposes. Absolutely. In this show, the show writers, when they were like for writing the treatment for this they've clearly underlined several times in red pen show he is on maverick the real issue I think worth Wolverine right who's like his mutation is so kind of visually exciting and but it's actually quite hard to utilize particularly in something for children because luckily another kitten is exactly to actually attack someone what those would leave extraordinary myths.
00:24:31:12 - 00:24:55:18
I think we should keep a running tally of the amount of times that Wolverine is about to use his claws on every living thing, but then somehow gets that, gets comedically taken away. He calls he calls gamba gumbo with with all the energy of a really intense racial slur. Yeah. Yeah. And he calls Cyclops for us another time.
00:24:55:19 - 00:25:22:13
Yeah, yeah, yeah. He got mad syndrome. There's this little saying that comes in after this where Jubilee and Storm kind of sit on are up on like a balcony up on the top of the skull. And this is the only real point in the episode where there's a bit of an exposition dump. Everything else is kind of been told through action kind of or through environmental worldbuilding.
00:25:22:13 - 00:25:46:05
And this is the first time that someone sits us down and says, Storm, what is a mutant? What is a mutant? And yeah, and she kind of doesn't actually answer a question. No, no, it's just like, you'll want to see me do some lightning. Oh, no. Just prefer if you answered what's going on with you. Check this out.
00:25:46:07 - 00:26:07:04
I always thought, like, Storm's power was like, Oh, this is the one that's quite hard for me to kind of get on board with, because the other ones, I. I get it. You know, my, my mutation is like heal quickly or I evolved into like this beast thing where I can shapeshift, but I can control the weather. This is a great idea for a superhero.
00:26:07:06 - 00:26:35:03
It's hard to buy as a mutation. Well, yeah, because it feels external rather than internal, right? Yeah, exactly. There you go. You've summed it up very, very concisely, which is Dan's mutation, by the way, as we go through this podcast, it I mean, it's I think it's important to not listen, not far at least not become like going too deep into how plausible the X-Men mutations are.
00:26:35:05 - 00:27:02:15
But where do we draw the line? Where do you draw the line? But yeah, there is something about storms, one which is more or feels more like some sort of mastery of, of elemental form, which yeah, it feels more magical. Yes. And also because, you know, she dresses it up with her beautiful, grandiose kind of delivery. But yeah, old mistress of the elements.
00:27:02:15 - 00:27:35:05
Yes. She's very she's very theatrical. Yes. Yeah. I like how rogue even tells it. Like, ease up on them on this. The speech is sugar. It's it's time for like the big the big adventure or the big mission of the episode. Wolverine kind of goes own way, but then he makes them. He meets them. They all make kind of big up outside this complex where Jubilee's been kidnaped by the team.
00:27:35:05 - 00:27:55:07
So she's not in there. So she's been taken off to a different base in Detroit. Bears Yeah, that's right. Oh, that's right. This is the this is where the the, all the records are kept of, of the mutants. Mutant control brother. They've got to destroy them. So this can't be what happened to Jubilee. Can't happen to other mutant there.
00:27:55:08 - 00:28:26:10
That's right. And Wolverine turns up and he's just got this throwaway line which is he's. He's like a big black dog. Like it's. I picked up on that term. Did you get anything that no trailer called. I got bit by a doctor. Well do do Wolverine make fun of his smelling ability know it's such a funny little line and it's because it's not a joke, but it's revealed it's itself neither.
00:28:26:12 - 00:28:44:20
It's a great yeah it's a great revelation of character. We get the sense of a world bigger than than what we are saying. And yet the throwaway of got bit by a dog to like and you know you know what that you can tell it hurts him emotionally because the guy's got a healing factor. Getting good by a dog is nothing for this guy.
00:28:44:20 - 00:29:12:14
But yeah, I thought he was my friend. Yeah. Yeah. I went to Padam was a really bad idea. Off each other's butts. I thought we were good. Hmm. This. This episode ends on a cliffhanger, which is incredibly progressive or advanced for a series like, you know, every all other shows. I keep talking about other shows at the time, but the other shows around the time were supposed to be modular.
00:29:12:14 - 00:29:28:13
You know, the status quo ends. It's the same at the end of the episode. So the next episode could start on a fresh slate, which is the same slate for everything, but this one does not. It's going to be a two parter. We're going to leave you on a cliffhanger. So you want to come back and watch the next one.
00:29:28:15 - 00:29:50:06
And I thought was a really good choice from the showrunners to do that. Yeah, especially considering kind of the, you know, there was no there was no binge. There was no binge watch you waiting away. You missed it. You missed it. Yeah. You're waiting a week. And yet if you weren't there, well, hope you can program the VCR.
00:29:50:08 - 00:30:25:12
Yeah. And so that kind of exists in need of end of episode one. Mm. It wasn't action packed episode. It was. We meet all these characters, we get the world this Jeopardy, they're in trouble. Oh, my God, what's going to happen? So Professor X is running as a school for mutants. And in this one, it's. I remember in the movies, like the older characters were kind of teachers, but in this one, someone's I think it's storm and their exposition st is like, No, we're all students here.
00:30:25:14 - 00:30:54:24
And so my question is, what is the teaching program and what qualifications do you give? So you get a T-shirt that's awesome. You get a certificate that says You an X-Man with a number of missions on it. Yeah, you get a cool codename. Oh, I mean, that's better than any degree. Yeah, right. So you don't you don't get letters after your name, you get a new name, you get a new name.
00:30:55:01 - 00:31:15:24
And depending how good you were at school, you get, you know, it's the bit that's a difference between your, your nickname being eviscerated or snappy. Mm. Jubilee is code name is just to name. Does she get it, Does she get a name in the future. She doesn't, she doesn't. Jubilee's a bit of a weird one but she's chosen as a character kind of, you know, like I said, B the fish out of water character.
00:31:16:01 - 00:31:35:01
Her full name is Jubilation, which are the, you know, Storm loves calling up, but it's always just jubilee. And I think there was kind of like a bit of a choice to kind of keep her as someone that we kind of see the through. It's funny, which was in the comics as well. She kind of ended up going on different teams here there, but she never got a code name.
00:31:35:04 - 00:32:02:23
Hmm. Yeah. Even Jean Gray, who even calls Jean Gray, did have a code name on which was Phenix one, which was Marvel Girl. But Jubilee is a weird one. Mm. Didn't get a codename. Mm. Yeah. I mean I guess it's because, I mean in a way she's kind of got a pun real name right? Like I made the connection I'd always made was like, if you're at a jubilee, they did off fireworks.
00:32:03:00 - 00:32:24:10
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, whenever I helped you sleep at night Jubilee. Yeah, Yeah, that might. Sounds very much like appearances to a child that just realized. Am I not the favorite? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Little tidbit about Jubilee. Everyone gave a shit about her powers being so crap about, like, Oh, they just fireworks in the comics.
00:32:24:12 - 00:32:44:02
They actually kind of broke down what that is. And like, it's a cover what it is exactly, But it's like some form of, like energy manipulation on a small scale. Essentially, they kind of tapped in and realized, oh, she can detonate things at a subatomic level. And they realized by that they were like, oh, she can technically become a nuclear bomb.
00:32:44:04 - 00:33:07:20
MM Yeah. So there you go. In case you're wondering, like, oh, Jubilee never gets to be badass. She can produce bombs. She's she's a nuke factory. So amazing. She's she's fun with awesome sunglasses. Every kid in the nineties wanted as well. Her sunglasses are pretty awesome. Cole That was episode one of Explain the animated series Reexamined. Join us on the rest of the journey.
00:33:07:20 - 00:33:33:17
Join us as things continue. Join us as we explore part two of this two part episode. We'll be back next week with part two of this will be continuing weekly until we either finish this or die. You can follow the podcast wherever you love to follow our podcast on your platform of choice, Apple Podcasts, etc. Both have a myself work live and on the internet regularly.
00:33:33:17 - 00:33:56:18
You can keep up on catch up with all of those things through the various links provided in the notes for this show. But the best thing you can always do for a show like this, particularly when it's starting out, is if you have a friend who is into this sort of nonsense, let them know about the show really helps us out and allows us to keep going.
00:33:56:19 - 00:34:44:05
We'll see you back next week for the next episode. Thank you for this project to have and thank you for what you've done. First episode. Thank you. We'll catch you guys next time. Let's go. Oh, my gosh. Bye bye.
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